Studies of Aloe. I. Cathartic Effects

Cathartic effects of Aloe pulv. [pulvinar] (J.P.[Japanese Pharmacopeia]IX) and pulv. of Aloe arborescens var. natalensis (Kidachialoe) were examined in mice and rats by oral administration. Rats were more suitable than mice. Additionally, no sex difference in rats was observed. Cathartic activity (ED50) in male rats was 84.3 mg kg in Aloe pulv. and 900 mg/kg in Kidachialoe pulv. Several experiments to find the mechanism of cathartic effect of Aloe were done. Aloe acted on the large intestine, and the process of activation of Aloe by intestinal flora was necessary for activation. The main cathartic component of Aloe was shown to be barbaloin by comparing barbaloin contents in Aloe and cathartic activity. Barbaloin may represent the cathartic activity of Aloe.

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