Phospholipids and Fat Secretion by Cows on Normal and Low Fiber Diets: Lactational Trends

Daily yields of milk, milk fat, phospholipids, and fatty acids were measured weekly during lactations of two groups of cows on a normal and restricted roughage diet. Milk yield was higher in normal cows during the initial 15 wk of lactation. Fat production decreased and was consistently lower in milk from cows on restricted roughage (from 1.2 to .4 in normal and from .8 to .3 kg/day for restricted). Phospholipid secretion decreased from an average 7 g to 3 g/day in both groups. The concentration of phospholipid in both milks fluctuated during lactation (20 to 30 mg/100 ml milk), but in milks from restricted cows it tended to increase with progress of lactation. Milk lipids from cows on restricted diets had higher phospholipid to fat ratio, (1.0 to 1.5 compared to .5 to .6 g phospholipid/100 g fat for milk from normal cows). Composition of the phospholipid classes changed slightly during lactation. Phosplatidylinositol changed most, increasing from 4 to 10 and 6 to 8% in normal and restricted milks, respectively. Fatty acids of short and medium chain lengths (C6 to C14) followed a typical quadratic regression in normal milks increasing from 10 to 30% of the total fatty acids during the first 25 wk of lactation. In restricted milk these fatty acids were already high (25%) within 2 wk and followed a linear regression with lactation. Both palmitic and stearic acid were lower in milk from restricted cows while oleic and linoleic acid were higher particularly after 10 wk of lactation.