Effect of extract from Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix on uremic rats.

The effect of Salvaie Miltorrhizae Radix extract on blood constituents was investigated in rats made uremic by feeding an adenine-containing diet. Administration of Salviae Miltorrhizae Radix extract for 18 d after feeding of the adenine diet for 6 d led to significant reductions of serum urea nitrogen, creatinine, methylguanidine, and guanidinosuccinic acid and an increase of guanidinoacetic acid, suggesting alleviation of the uremic state. In a group fed the adenine diet for 12 d, followed by the extract, there were significant decreases in urea nitrogen and guanidinosuccinic acid. However, the extract no longer caused any reduction of urea nitrogen, creatinine, methylguanidine, or guanidinosuccinic acid, or an increase of guanidinoacetic acid, when the adenine diet was given for 18 d to cause a more severely uremic state.