Physical Activity among Adults ???50 yr with and without Disabilities, BRFSS 2001

Tivities. Using BRFSS 2001 data, this cross-sectional study describes the prevalence of inactivity and insufficient and recommended physical activity for older adults (i.e., aged ≥50 yr). Methods: BRFSS 2001 data were analyzed using prevalence estimates and logistic regression to assess physical activity patterns among older adults (N = 74,960) stratified by disability status, and select sociodemographic and health status characteristics. Results: A total of 43.4, 39.1, and 17.5% of respondents without disabilities were active at a recommended level, insufficiently active, and inactive, respectively, taking into account nonoccupational physical activities. A total of 28.8% of older adults with disabilities were active at a recommended level, 35.7% insufficiently active, and 35.5% inactive. Among persons with and without disabilities, groups with the highest odds of inactivity and insufficient activity were women, persons aged ≥75 yr, blacks, persons with lower education levels and low incomes, and those who were obese. Conclusions: Not all persons with disabilities can be active at recommended levels, but it is possible for the vast majority to do some types of physical activity, even if at insufficient levels. Thus, it may be possible for the prevalence of inactivity among persons with and without disabilities to be similar. This was not found. At the start of the new millennium, almost 60% of older adults without disabilities and 70% with disabilities were not obtaining a recommended amount of combined leisure-time, transportation, and household physical activity....