Absiract-A fussdamentaf problem in connection oriented multiaervice networks (ATM and STM) is finding the optimat policy for call acceptance. One seeks an admission control policy that efficiently utilizes network resotsrees while at the same time being fair to the various call classes being supported. The theory of cooperative games provides a natural and precise framework for formulating such multicriterion problems as welf as solution concepts. In this paper we deseribe how this framework can he used for analysis and synthesis of call admiwdon strategies in broadband networks. In particular, we investigate the Nash, Raiffa-Kahd-Smorodhky, and modMed Thomson arbitration solutions from game theory. The performance of all solutions is evaluated by applying the value iteration algorithm from Markov decision theory. The approach is illustrated on a onelbsk network example for which the exact solutions can be achieved, The swmdta indicate that the arbitration achemez from game theory provide some attractive features especially when compared to traditional control objectives: blocking equalization and trafllc maxbxdzation. We also compare the optimal zolutiona with some simplified policiez belonging to four different claazea: complete sharing, coordinate convex, trunk reservation, and dynamic trunk reservation. The comparison indicates that in many cases, the trunk reservation and dynamic trunk reservation policies can provide fair, efticient solutions, close to tbe optimal ones.

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