Arteriosclerosis in Parkinsonism

A Parkinsonian series of 95 consecutive persons and a control series of 96 persons with acute orthopedic disorders were clinically studied for arterial disease. An overall estimate was made from the degrees of (1) palpable arteriosclerosis in the cervical carotid arteries, (2) palpable arteriosclerosis in the brachial arteries, (3) intolerance to exercise due to coronary artery diseases, (4) retinal arterial disease; and (5) elevation of the brachial blood pressure. The results failed to demonstrate any significant excess of clinically dectectable anteriosclerosis in the Parkinsonian group over the matched control group. It is now more doubtful than before that a relationship between arteriosclerosis and the rigidity and tremor of Parkinsonism exists.