Summary: Smith, G. F. & Tiedt, L. R.: A rapid, non‐destructive osmium tetroxide technique for preparing pollen for scanning electron microscopy. ‐Taxon40: 195–200. 1991. ‐ ISSN 0040‐0262.A new, rapid, non‐destructive technique for the preparation of pollen is described, in which dissected anthers are fixed with osmium tetroxide vapour. This method permits the examination without modifying the pollen grain morphology and ultrastructure and the natural state of hydration. Apertural structures are perfectly preserved and neither debris nor artifacts are deposited on the grains. The pollen cementing substances, such as pollenkitt, remain intact and can assist in the functional interpretation of pollen types. This new method may help to obtain optimal structural and functional information from pollen study.