Where the electroweak phase transition ends

We give a more precise characterization of the end of the electroweak phase transition in the framework of the effective three-dimensional SU(2)-Higgs lattice model than has been given before. The model has now been simulated at gauge couplings βG=12 and 16 for Higgs boson masses MH*=70, 74, 76, and 80 GeV up to lattices 963 and the data have been used for reweighting. The breakdown of finite volume scaling of the Lee-Yang zeroes indicates the change from a first order transition to a crossover at λ3/g32=0.102(2) in rough agreement with results of Karsch, Neuhaus, Patkós, and Rank at βG=9 and smaller lattices. The infinite volume extrapolation of the discontinuity Δφ+φ/g32 turns out to be zero at λ3/g32=0.107(2) being an upper limit. We comment on the limitations of the second method.