The ultrastructure of the sacculus and lagena of a moray eel, Gymnothorax sp., was investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Particular emphasis was placed on the orientation of the sensory hair cells and on the ultrastructure of the sensory cells. The ciliary bundles on the sensory hair cells are of several types, each having a different size relationship between the kinocilium and stereocilia. The cell bodies of the sensory cells are similar to the mammalian type II sensory cell. There were no apparent differences in the cell bodies between sensory cells with different ciliary bundles. Hair cell orientation patterns on the saccular and lagenar maculae differ from patterns found in other fishes. The posterior side of the saccular macula in Gymnothorax has cells oriented dorsally and ventrally, as is typical in other non-ostariophysan species. The anterior end of the saccular macula has alternating groups of anteriorly and posteriorly oriented cells, a situation that differs from the more typical pattern in which anteriorly oriented cells are found on the ventral side of the macula while posteriorly oriented cells cover the dorsal side of the macula. The orientation of cells on the lagena includes ventral cells that are located above a group of dorsally oriented cells. In many other non-ostariophysans, ventrally oriented cells are generally posterior to the dorsally oriented cells.