Primary Isolation of TRIC Organisms in HeLa 229 Cells Treated with DEAE-Dextran

A method of cell culture using HeLa 229 cells treated with DEAE-dextran was found to be successful in the primary isolation of trachoma-inclusion conjunctivitis (TRIC) organisms. The success of this method appeared to depend on the enhancement of infectivity by pretreatment of the cell monolayers with DEAE-dextran and on centrifugation of the inoculum onto the cells. The method was shown to be as sensitive as that using the embryonated chick egg for isolation of trachoma organisms from experimental eye infections in monkeys, and was found to isolate a high rate of genital TRIC organisms from human cervical specimens, similar to the rate obtained in irradiated McCoy cells treated with DEAE-dextran.