Appendicovesicostomy: A Useful Adjunct to Continent Reconstruction of the Bladder

Appendicovesicostomy is a useful adjunct to continent reconstruction of the bladder. During the last 3 years we have used this procedure in 14 children with difficult incontinence due to spina bifida (7), exstrophy/epispadias (5), imperforate anus (1) and urethral agenesis (1). In 4 patients in whom previous operations had failed to achieve continence the bladder neck was closed. In the remaining 10 children, all of whom had difficulty or discomfort catheterizing the native urethra, the bladder neck/urethra was preserved or reconstructed to serve as a vent for elevated bladder pressures. Continence was achieved in all 14 children with no complications related to the appendix. All children in whom the bladder neck/urethra was salvaged preferentially empty via the appendix and remain dry, except when the bladder is overly full.