Gcvpack – routines for generalized cross validation

These Fortran-77 subroutines provide building blocks for Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV) (Craven and Wahba, 1979) calculations in data analysis and data smoothing including ridge regression (Golub, Heath, and Wahba, 1979), thin plate smoothing splines (Wahba and Wendelberger, 1980), deconvolution (Wahba, 1982d), smoothing of generalized linear models (O'sullivan, Yandell and Raynor 1986, Green 1984 and Green and Yandell 1985), and ill-posed problems (Nychka et al., 1984, O'sullivan and Wahba, 1985). We present some of the types of problems for which GCV is a useful method of choosing a smoothing or regularization parameter and we describe the structure of the subroutines.Ridge Regression: A familiar example of a smoothing parameter is the ridge parameter X in the ridge regression problem which we write.

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