The authors improved the histochemical method for riboflavin, devised a phosphatase method, and established the principle of separate observation of the 3 forms of riboflavin. Histo-logical distribution of riboflavin in normal and CCl4-poisoned rats was observed. The fate of the three forms of riboflavin after loading with riboflavin (FR), flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin-adenine dinucleo-tide (FAD) was studied. After oral administration of free vitamin, the rise of the levels of each component of the vitamin is observed in the body. After loading with FMN, the levels of both FMN and FAD is in-creased, whereas after loading with FAD, only a slight amount of FAD was observed. After injection of FR, increase of FR is observed without any change of FMN and FAD. After injection of FMN, both FMN and FAD were increased in the body but after injection of FAD, a slight amount of FR was increased in the mucous layer of intestinal mucosa, and in other tissues FAD was increased. In the CC14-poisoned rats, decrease of the esterified form of the vitamin was generally seen. After loading with the vitamin, depression of absorption and phosphorylation of the vitamin was noted.