Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy for End‐Stage Congestive Heart Failure: From REMATCH to the Future

Therapy for patients with end‐stage cardiomyopathy continues to evolve, but clearly it must now involve left ventricular assist device therapy as either bridge‐to‐transplantation or destination therapy. Patients who are selected for left ventricular assist device support must be able to undergo the surgical implantation procedure safely and avoid common complications such as right heart failure. Adequate patient selection is essential and can typically be accomplished using simple hemodynamic measures. As left ventricular assist device technology evolves, pulsatile devices will likely be replaced by their newer axial flow counterparts, which offer decided advantages. In the future, therapy for end‐stage heart failure will involve aggressive use of mechanical assist device therapy and, as more patients are supported with these devices and the technology improves, this will become a burgeoning field for cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons.