Electron intersubband scattering by confined and localized phonons in real quantum wires

AbstracL "e present study deals with electron intersubband scattering in real quanlum wire slrudures. Both the multi-subband SVUcture and mnfined phonon modes are mnsidered together. 'lle rates of scattering by mnRned longitudinaloptical (W) phonons and by surfaceoptieal (so) phonons are calculated lalting into account all possible W phonon modes as well as all posible elenmn intersubband lransilions. The estimations of Vansition rates for GaAs/ALAs awls have shown that inuasubband electron scattering and mmt intersubtend Vansitions are due primarily lo scattering by mn6aed w phonons, but in -"ant intenubbaod Lransitions the mntribution of so phonons may be dominant when lhe phonon energy is close lo lhe intersubtend energy separation. Moreover, electron7so-phonon scattering might play an impartant pan in kwtemperature elenron lransport beguse the GaAsIike so mode is shifted towanis lower frequencies mmpared with that of U) phonons. ?he energy dependence of the tolal scattering rate in an ideal quantum wire ahibils multiple sharp peaks related lo each intersubband Vansition. These peaks originate f" the mnant nature of lhe density of slates in ideal one- dimensional systems. It is demonstrated lhat in real quantum wires with variable thickness the mnant peaks broaden or even disappear due lo variation of subtend energies.