Corrigendum - Fixation, accumulation, and distribution of nitrogen in a crop of Lupinus angustifolius cv. Unicrop

A lupin crop was sampled each week to measure nitrogen fixation by acetylene reduction assay and for determination of the total nitrogen content on the organs on each axis of the plant. Nitrogen fixation started 5 weeks after sowing, reached its maximum rate per plant at the beginning of flowering on the main axis, and ceased during the period of rapid grain filling, which was 4 weeks before maturity. Plants did not accumulate measurable quantities of nitrogen until 2 weeks after the start of nodular fixation as indicated by acetylene reduction. In the vegetative phase within each order of axes most nitrogen went to the leaves before they senesced. During the first half of the period of rapid grain filling, both the weight and the concentration of nitrogen in the grain increased at the expense of the vegetative components. Balance sheets for nitrogen content and the current proportional distribution of nitrogen are presented for three occasions at weeks 8-9, weeks 15-16 and weeks 18–19. Waterlogging greatly decreased acetylene reduction and plant growth.