The gauge invariant effective potential: equilibrium and non-equilibrium aspects

We propose a gauge invariant formulation of the effective potential in terms of a gauge invariant order parameter, for the Abelian Higgs model. The one-loop contribution at zero and finite temperature is computed explicitly, and the leading terms in the high temperature expansion are obtained. The result is contrasted to the effective potential obtained in several covariant gauge-fixing schemes, and the gauge invariant quantities that can be reliably extracted from these are identified. It is pointed out that the gauge invariant effective potential in the one-loop approximation is complex for {\em all values} of the order parameter between the maximum and the minimum of the tree level potential, both at zero and non-zero temperature. The imaginary part is related to long-wavelength instabilities towards phase separation. We study the real-time dynamics of initial states in the spinodal region, and relate the imaginary part of the effective potential to the growth rate of equal-time gauge invariant correlation functions in these states. We conjecture that the spinodal instabilities may play a role in non-equilibrium processes {\em inside} the nucleating bubbles if the transition is first order.

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