A monoclonal antibody detecting unusual Thy-1 determinants.

20-10-5S is a monoclonal antibody produced by the fusion of C3H anti-C3H.SW splenocytes with the SP2/0 cell line. The antibody appears to react with Thy-1 determinants by several criteria including cytotoxicity patterns, functional assays, genetic analyses, and competitive binding experiments. However, the antibody and the determinants it detects are unusual in that: 1) 20-10-5S is autoreactive; 2) the antibody shows allospecificity for Thy-1.2 vs Thy-1.1 antigens only on peripheral lymphocytes and not on thymocytes; and 3) the antibody reacts only with determinants on murine T cells and not with antigens on brain tissue or on rat thymocytes. It therefore seems that 20-10-5S reacts with murine T cell-specific Thy-1 determinants that are lost or modified during maturation of the cells on which they are expressed.