The distribution of phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) * between chloroplasts and cytoplasm of leaf cells during transients from dark to light and vice versa has been investigated. The data indicate that pools of PGA in the chloroplasts and cytoplasm are interchangeable and that PGA may function as a transport metabolite in actively metabolising leaf cells. These views are supported by the following results: 1. In the presence of 14CO2 and light, labelled PGA rapidly appears in the cytoplasm, even though the carboxydismutase reaction, in which 14C enters into PGA, proceeds in the chloroplasts. 2. After less than 1 min. illumination in the presence of 14CO2, the distribution of labelled PGA between chloroplasts and cytoplasm reaches an equilibrium, which is then maintained. The same distribution is to be found by enzymatic analyses of the total pools of PGA in chloroplasts and cytoplasm. When equilibrium is reached, the percentages of both 14C labelled and of total PGA to be found in the chloroplasts of Spinach and Elodea are approximately 75% and 35 —40% respectively. 3. In both the chloroplasts and the cytoplasm, the levels of PGA first decrease after illumination to a fraction of the original dark levels and then show a concomitant slow increase. On darkening a further very rapid increase in PGA occurs in chloroplasts and cytoplasm. 4. In photosynthetically active leaf material the rate of decrease in the level of cytoplasmic PGA, as observed after 12 —15 secs. illumination, is higher than the turnover rate of PGA in respiration. 5. Upon illumination, aqueously isolated chloroplasts, suspended in isotonic sucrose buffer, reduce added PGA to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and other products far faster than they reduce added NADP. Whereas PGA reduction is not increased by ultrasonic disintegration of the chloroplasts, the reduction of NADP is stimulated. This indicates that whereas the movement of NADP is prevented by a permeability barrier, the transferance of PGA across the chloroplast membrane occurs easily. 6. In illuminated Elodea shoots the inhibition of metabolism by cyanide after 15 secs. photosynthesis in the presence of Η14CO3⊖ leads to a rapid decrease in PGA. This applies to both the 14C labelled PGA and the total PGA to a similar extent. The decrease in PGA amounts from 70 — 85% of the original dark levels. Since the chloroplasts of Elodea contain only 35—40% of the total PGA of the cell, a fall in the level of PGA as a result of the cyanide poisoning obviously occurs not only in the chloroplasts, but also in the cytoplasm. Since cyanide effectively inhibits cytochrome oxidase, while PGA reduction in the chloroplasts is relatively resistant, the large decrease in PGA suggests that part of the cytoplasmic PGA is transferred into the chloroplasts and reduced there.