Every practicing physician has observed that albuminuria may occur in certain persons who in other respects seem perfectly normal. Concerning the significance and the frequence of this finding, many and diverse opinions have been expressed in a voluminous literature on the subject. Writers have described different types of albuminuria and have assigned to them such names as adolescent, orthostatic, postural, lordotic and cyclic. These terms doubtless were intended to be qualifying, descriptive and helpful, but their multiplication has seemed to complicate rather than to clarify the problem. Of these descriptive terms the one most widely used is orthostatic albuminuria, a name suggested by Teissier,1 who in 1899 commented on the relation of changes in posture to the appearance and disappearance of albumin in the urine of certain persons. In 1910, Jehle2 published his monograph on this condition and suggested the further qualifying term of lordotic albuminuria. Many writers

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