Mass transfer at low flow rates in a packed column

Mass transfer in packed columns has been investigated for a variety of column and packing sizes but at flow rates restricted to fully developed turbulent conditions. The present work was undertaken to investigate mass transfer at flow‐rate conditions in the transition and laminar regions.A dual treatment of experimental data required a knowledge of the variation of concentration and velocity with radial position. A tracer‐injection technique was employed which consisted in the introduction of a tracer gas into the center of a bulk gas stream and the measurement of the tracer‐gas concentration at various radial positions downstream. The velocity distribution for the packed column was determined by means of a five‐loop, circular, hot‐wire anemometer. The test column was a vertical 4‐in, pipe. packed with 1/4‐in. spherical, ceramic catalyst‐support pellets.Mass transfer diffusivity and Peclet number were determined from two solutions of the differential‐diffusion equation applied in previous investigations. An analytical solution in terms of Bessel functions was used to calculate values of average diffusivity and Peclet number and a seminumerical solution in terms of homogeneous linear‐difference equations to calculate values of point diffusivity and Peclet number.Variation of diffusivity and Peclet number with radial position is shown, average diffusivity and Peclet number being correlated with Reynolds number. The interaction of molecular and eddy mass transfer mechanisms with decreasing mass velocity is illustrated by defining a molecular and an eddy Peclet number and correlating with Reynolds number. Eddy diffusivity is correlated as a function of local flow conditions.

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