Fertilität nach Tubargravidität: Vergleich von tubenerhaltenden Operationen und Salpingektomien

391 patients were operated during 1980 to 1987 at the Department of Gynaecology of the University of Tubingen [West Germany] for extrauterine pregnancy. A questionnaire was circulated to inquire, how many of these women wanted to become pregnant again. 176 answered positively, the return quota being 82%. After surgery, performed to preserve the Fallopian tubes, 64% of these patients had an intrauterine pregnancy, compared with only 41% after salpingectomy or segmental resection without anastomosis. In women without the characteristic factors which reduce fertility, such as primary sterility, surgery concerning sterility or refertilisation, or other kinds of abdominal surgery, a greater proportion of intrauterine pregnancies was seen after surgery preserving the Fallopian tubes (79%), than in women with the above mentioned risk factors (53%). The incidence of repeat extrauterine pregnancies was approximately equal after Fallopian tube-preserving surgery and after salpingectomy (20% and 18%, respectively).