Properties and roles of bacterial symbionts of polyvinyl alcohol-utilizing mixed cultures

From several polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-utilizing mixed cultures, two component bacterial strains essential for PVA utilization were isolated, and their properties and roles in PVA utilization were studied. Each pair of essential component strains consisted of a type I strain, which produced a PVA-degrading enzyme and constituted the predominant population of the mixed culture in PVA, and a type II strain, which produced a certain growth stimulant for the former strain. All of the type I strains were taxonomically identical and assigned as Pseudomonas sp. In contrast, type II strains were taxonomically different from each other, belonging to Pseudomonas spp. and Alcaligenes sp. PVA utilization occurred in each mixed culture of a type I strain with Pseudomonas putida VM15A as a substitute for the type II strain of the original pair and also in each mixed culture of a type II strain with Pseudomonas sp. VM15C. The growth rates of these substituted, mixed cultures differed from each other.

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