Thirteen strains of soft-rotting, oxidase-positive, fluorescent pseudomonads were highly variable in ability to macerate tissue slices of 9 different plant species and degraded polypectate and polygalacturonate. Some strains macerated tissue slices of only 1 or 2 plant species while others exhibited a wider host range. Differences in macerating ability also were exhibited by some strains on 3 potato cultivars that were tested. In addition, some strains macerated stems, but not leaves of a head of lettuce. All strains capable of causing moderate to extensive tissue maceration also degraded polypectate and polygalacturonate. The pattern and intensity of pectolytic activity of the strains varied in polypectate and polygalacturonate media. One strain that macerated potato and cumcumber slightly (macerating index of 0.3-0.4 on a 4-point scale) did not degrade polypectae or polygalacuronate. Implications of these findings on the interpretations of the results of tests used to detect soft-rotting fluorescent pseudomonads are discussed.