Electrophysiologic and Histologic Observations of Chronic Atrioventricular Block Induced by Closed‐Chest Catheter Desiccation with Radiofrequency Energy

Direct-current or laser energy has been used to induce atrioventricular (AV) block, but certain complications associated with this type of energy have been reported. We have previously documented that radiofrequency (RF) energy can effectively and safely induce acute AV block in ciosed-chest dogs during the 4–7 days of follow-up. This study was undertaken Io determine if the ablation was permanent and to define the chronic pafhoiogy and site of AV block. Gomplete AV block was successfully achieved in four dogs immediately after ablation with a bipolar “standard” RF output (750 kHz) delivered between the tip electrode of a standard 7F USCI catheter and an external patch electrode on the left iateral chest wall. During 2 months of follow-up, three dogs had persistent complete AV block with a stable escape rhythm; the other had persistent 2:1 AV block. Repeat His bundle recordings were performed at 2 months prior to sacrifice of the dogs. Supra-His AV block was noted in two dogs; His bundle potential could not be recorded in another two. Histologically, the damaged area was well delineated. In all animals, the AV node and, in some dogs, part of the His bundle were completely replaced by granulation tissue and/or cartilage. There was fatty infiltration and also chronic inflammatory cells around the lesions. Neither perforation, hemorrhage nor vacuolation was seen in the adjacent area. Thrombus was not present. It is concluded that RF energy can effectively achieve chronic AV block and produce well-circumscribod pathological lesions.