Introduction The O. I. T. (Organic Integrity Test) is a psychological test designed to detect the ability of the central nervous system in any subject to perceive gestalt, or form, or its inability to do so in one who has cortical damage due to any brain disease. A test similar to the O. I. T. was first designed by Casagrandie, in his anthropological studies, as yet unpublished. The original Casagrandie test consists of a series of three pictures, known as a set. Two of the pictures in the set share the same color and two share the same basic form. For example, ayellow hat, a yellow dog, and a redcapmay form a set. The subject is asked to pair any two of the three pictures. Casagrandie was able to demonstrate that some people are color-dominated in their perception, and others, form-dominated. Organic integrity was assumed to be