Prediction of three‐dimensional general shape extrudates by an implicit iterative scheme

This paper presents a numerical technique for solving three‐dimensional free surface problems in extrusion applications. The method is fully implicit in the sense that a Newton‐Raphson scheme is applied on all variables, and geometrically general. In particular, the die section shape may be complex and contains multiple corners: very few restrictions apply on the mesh generation because the method does not require the nodes to be located on straight lines (spines). A clear distinction is introduced between the directions associated with the kinematic condition and the remeshing rules. As a difference with respect to earlier publications, these concepts are handled separately. Only Stokes problems are solved in this paper and we have not introduced surface tension. Therefore corners in the die section propagate discontinuities in the extrudate shape, an a method for relocating corners without losing the quadratic convergence of the scheme is presented. Data structures used for the implementation are briefly discussed.We present results on the extrusion of various profiles, including a rectangular die (a benchmark problem) and various complex sections containing multiple corners.