Laser photodetachment determination of the electron affinities of OH, NH2, NH, SO2, and S2

Using a fixed frequency argon ion laser we have studied the energy spectra of electrons photodetached from OH, NH2 , NH, SO2 , and S2 . We determined the following electron affinities: EA(OH)= 1.829−0.014+0.010eV , EA(NH2)=0.779±0.037 eV, EA(NH)=0.38±0.03 eV, EA(SO2)=1.097±0.036 eV, and EA(S2)=1.663±0.040 eV. Additionally, the angular distribution anisotropy parameter β was measured for OH and NH2 at 4880 Å, as −0.993 ± 0.040, and 0.027±0.012, respectively, and information about negative ion vibrational constants is presented.