Internal energy requirements for remote site fragmentation

Attempts to induce remote site fragmentation by using low‐energy collisional activation with a neutral target gas or with a surface (surface‐induced dissociation) are reported. These data, in conjunction with knowledge of the internal energy deposition associated with these activation methods, provide information on the amount of internal energy needed to promote remote site fragmentation in selected compounds. The internal energy required for remote site fragmentation of lithiated oleyl alcohol was recently estimated to be 1.3–1.9 eV. Our experiments suggest that internal energies much greater than 2 eV are required to produce detectable remote site fragmentation in several different ions, including lithiated oleyl alcohol, n‐dodecylbenzenesulfonate anion, stearylsulfate anion, stearate anion and protonated octadecylamine. The results also suggest that the internal energy required to record spectra which show remote site fragmentation is compound‐dependent, i.e. strongly dependent on the nature of the ionic group.

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