Hydrodynamics of Turbid Underflows. I: Formulation and Numerical Analysis

A mathematical model is developed for unsteady, two-dimensional, single-layer, depth-averaged turbid underflows driven by nonuniform, noncohesive sediment. The numerical solution is obtained by a high-resolution, total variation diminishing, finite-volume numerical model, which is known to capture sharp fronts accurately. The monotone upstream scheme for conservation laws is used in conjunction with predictor-corrector time-stepping to provide a second-order accurate solution. Flux-limiting is implemented to prevent the development of spurious oscillations near discontinuities. The model also possesses the capability to track the evolution and development of an erodible bed, due to sediment entrainment and deposition. This is accomplished by solving a bed-sediment conservation equation at each time step, independent of the hydrodynamic equations, with a predictor-corrector method. The model is verified by comparison to experimental data for currents driven by uniform and nonuniform sediment.