This paper is an extension of the author's work on one-way buckling phenomena. The effect of an elastic lateral restraint ( Ky) is considered in this paper and an analysis of a long thin beam subject to point loading and of a long thin column subject to axial loading is presented. This shows that the behaviour in such cases is similar and rather unique in that a single discrete wave or buckle forms in the member. This has a wavelength independent of the length of the member. In the case of the column it is quite possible for several of these waveforms to appear along the column length, but they neither need to be joined to each other nor do they need to fill the whole length of the column. In practice, however, it is more usual for a single buckle wave to form. The axial load at which buckling occurs is shown to be independent of the amplitude of the buckle wave. An experimental investigation is also reported which is in general agreement with the analysis. By combining the ‘elastic’ and ‘constant load’† lateral restraint conditions, the author presents a strip column buckling analysis which will be found to be useful in appreciating the phenomena of certain shell buckling configurations.

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