Since the introduction of the thiazole derivatives of sulfanilamide by Fosbinder and Walter1 in 1939, renal complications following the use of sulfathiazole have been observed in the experimental animal and to a limited extent in the treated patient. Only 23 instances have appeared in the literature in which sulfathiazole produced apparent renal damage in the human being; in 21 instances there was hematuria, in 7 there was nitrogen retention, and in 2 sulfathiazole was the probable cause of death. Garvin2 treated 54 patients for pneumonia, using 10.0 Gm. of sulfathiazole daily, a dose necessary to maintain a blood sulfathiazole level of 5.8 mg. per hundred cubic centimeters. Of these patients 14.8 per cent had gross or microscopic hematuria. One developed renal colic. Abernethy,3 treating 31 patients with pneumonia, used 40 Gm. of sulfathiazole orally over a period of seven to ten days. One developed hematuria and another