Interaction of cutaneous stromal cells and γ/δ T cell receptor (TcR)‐positive cells. I. Vγ5γ/γTcR+ T cells migrating from organ‐cultured murine skin proliferate by co‐culture with cutaneous stromal cells in the presence of interleukin‐2

It has been reported that Thy‐1+CD3+CD4CD8 cells as well as Langerhans cells migrate from organ‐cultured murine skin into culture medium. We examined whether these Thy‐1+ populations of migrating cells were derived from Thy‐l+ dendritic epidermal T cells (Thy‐1+ DEC) and found that they were Thy‐1+CD3+ CD4CD8γ/ΔTcR+ (γΔ+T) cells but did not express Vγ/5TcR, which was used by a vast majority of Thy‐1+DEC Recently, a unique interaction between stromal cells and lymphohemopoietic progenitors has been reported in bone marrow and thymus. In this study, we established fibroblastoid cutaneous stromal cell (CSC) lines and clones from murine skin and examined the interaction between CSC and γδ+T cells. When these γδ+T cells were co‐cultured with CSC, a marked proliferation of small lymphoid cells was observed only in the presence of interleukin (IL)‐2. Neither CSC alone nor IL‐2 alone could induce a similar proliferation. Flow cytometry revealed that they were Thy‐1+CD3+ CD4CD8γ/5TcR but Vγ5TcR. Analysis of the major segments of their TcR by polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that Vγ1,Vγ2,Vγ4 and all of the Vδ chains from Vδ1 to Vδ7 were used without any predominant pattern. These data indicate the possible presence of yδ+T cells other thanVγ5TcR+Thy‐l+ DEC in the murine skin and the unique capacity of the CSC to support the growth of these migrating y/δ+ T cells. The nomenclature of murine T cell receptor γ chain is according to Reilly et al. (Nature 1986. 527:878). The relationship between the different nomenclature systems is summarized in Takagi et al. (J. Immunol. 1989. 747:2112).