Activation of the Early B-Cell-Specific mb-1 (Ig-α) Gene by Pax-5 Is Dependent on an Unmethylated Ets Binding Site

Methylation of cytosine in CpG dinucleotides promotes transcriptional repression in mammals by blocking transcription factor binding and recruiting methyl-binding proteins that initiate chromatin remodeling. Here, we use a novel cell-based system to show that retrovirally expressed Pax-5 protein activates endogenous early B-cell-specific mb-1 genes in plasmacytoma cells, but only when the promoter is hypomethylated. CpG methylation does not directly affect binding of the promoter by Pax-5. Instead, methylation of an adjacent CpG interferes with assembly of ternary complexes comprising Pax-5 and Ets proteins. In electrophoretic mobility shift assays, recruitment of Ets-1 is blocked by methylation of the Ets site (5′CCGGAG) on the antisense strand. In transfection assays, selective methylation of a single CpG within the Pax-5-dependent Ets site greatly reduces mb-1 promoter activity. Prior demethylation of the endogenous mb-1 promoter is required for its activation by Pax-5 in transduced cells. Although B-lineage cells have only unmethylated mb-1 genes and do not modulate methylation of the mb-1 promoter during development, other tissues feature high percentages of methylated alleles. Together, these studies demonstrate a novel DNA methylation-dependent mechanism for regulating transcriptional activity through the inhibition of DNA-dependent protein-protein interactions.