The cytotoxic action of Bax on yeast cells does not require mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier but may be related to its import to the mitochondria

The effect of the expression of murine Bax protein on growth and vitality was examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and compared with the effect of Bax in mutant cells lacking functional mitochondria. The cytotoxic effect of Bax on yeast does not require functional oxidative phosphorylation, respiration, or mitochondrial proteins (ADP/ATP carriers) implicated in the formation of the permeability transition pore in mammalian mitochondria. In the wild type S. cerevisiae the expression of Bax does not result in a severe effect on mitochondrial membrane potential and respiration. On the basis of Bax induced differences in the fluorescence of green fluorescent protein fused to mitochondrial proteins, it is proposed that Bax may interfere with one essential cellular process in yeast: the mitochondrial protein import pathway that is specific for the proteins of the mitochondrial carrier family