Properties of Amorphous Iron-Metalloid Thin Films

Amorphous Fe-B, Fe-Si-B, Fe-B-C and Fe-Si-C films 0.6 to 0.9 µm thick were prepared by the r.f. sputtering technique. The metalloid content in the films was varied in the range 10 to 30 atm.% and the soft magnetic properties and thermal stabilities were investigated. In the as-prepared state, most of the amorphous films had coercivities of less than 1 Oe. On annealing in a magnetic field, the coercivity of Fe80B20 and Fe73Si18C9 films decreased to 0.04 Oe. The anisotropy energy induced by the field annealing at 300°C is 3 to 5×103 erg/cm3, which is much larger than those of melt-quenched alloys. In thermal stability, Fe-B, Fe-B-C and Fe-Si-B films are nearly the same as or slightly worse than corresponding melt-quenched alloys, while Fe-Si-C films, which have not yet been prepared in ribbon form, have good thermal stability and continue to exhibit low coercivity after annealing at 400°C.

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