A case of adrenal tumor producing renin, aldosterone, and sex steroid hormones.

A 27-year-old woman with an adrenal tumor that produced renin and aldosterone, associated with hypertension and adrenogenital syndrome, is described. Severe hypertension, cardiomegaly, a low serum potassium level, clinical symptoms of adrenogenital syndrome, and a left upper abdominal tumor also were found. Endocrinological studies showed that plasma and urinary levels of sex steroid hormones such as dehydroepiandrosterone, androsterone, and testosterone were markedly increased. Plasma renin activity, plasma angiotensin II, and plasma aldosterone levels also were increased markedly, although deoxycorticosterone levels remained within the normal range. The possibility of renovascular hypertension was excluded by angiography of the renal artery and by venous sampling of plasma renin activity. Abnormal elevations in plasma aldosterone levels persisted despite normalization of plasma angiotensin II by converting enzyme inhibitor administration. It was suspected that this patient had an adrenal tumor producing...