Analysis of the Brassica oleracea genome by the generation of B. campestris-oleracea chromosome addition lines: characterization by isozymes and rDNA genes

This study aimed at generating chromosome addition lines and disclosing genome specific markers in Brassica. These stocks will be used to study genome evolution in Brassica oleracea L., B. campestris L. and the derived amphidiploid species B. napus L. B. campestris-oleracea monosomic and disomic chromosome addition plants were generated by crossing and backcrossing the natural amphidiploid B. napus to the diploid parental species B. campestris. The pollen viability of the derived sesquidiploid and hyperploid ranged from 63% to 88%, while the monosomic and disomic addition plants had an average pollen fertility of 94% and 91%, respectively. The addition lines were genetically characterized by genome specific markers. The isozymes for 6PGD, LAP, PGI and PGM, and rDNA Eco RI restriction fragments were found to possess the desired genome specificity. Duplicated loci for several of these markers were observed in B. campestris and B. oleracea, supporting the hypothesis that these diploid species are actually secondary polyploids. A total of eight monosomic and eight disomic addition plants were identified and characterized on the basis of these markers. Another 51 plants remained uncharacterized due to the lack of additional markers. rDNA genes were found to be distributed in more than one chromosome, differing in its restriction sites. Intergenomic recombination for some of the markers was detected at frequencies between 6% and 20%, revealing the feasibility of intergenomic gene transfer.