Connatichela artemisiae, a new genus and species of leptopiine weevil endemic to the Yukon Territory, Canada, is described and illustrated. The genus is placed in the group of leptopiine genera characterized by the absence of metepisternal suture, lack of scales on antennal funiculus, and presence of broad scales on antennal scape. Connatichela members are readily distinguished from related leptopiine genera by the presence of connate tarsal claws and the structure of male and female genitalia. Phylogenetic and zoogeographic relationships of the genus are unresolved at present. Adult specimens were found in association with plants of a small species of Artemisia.Fossil material of mid-Wisconsin age assignable to C. artemisiae from the Yukon Territory, extreme western Northwest Territories, and Alaska suggests a slightly more widespread Pleistocene distribution, with recent restriction to the Yukon Territory. This restriction may have resulted from a decrease, during the post Wisconsin, in availability of dry steppe-tundra habitats throughout most of Beringia.