Assessment of brain tumor angiogenesis inhibitors using perfusion magnetic resonance imaging: Quality and analysis results of a phase I trial

To determine thresholds of quality for a T2*‐weighted perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study and evaluate the effects of an angiogenesis inhibitor on relative blood flow and volume changes in brain tumor patients in a multi‐institution setting. A total of 36 volunteers from four participating institutions with clinically diagnosed malignant gliomas were studied using perfusion MRI protocols. These included a baseline study and follow‐up studies every eight weeks to evaluate the effect of an anti‐angiogenic agent on tumor perfusion. Quality tests were performed on the perfusion imaging data by defining statistical thresholds of acceptance. Region of interest (ROI) analysis was performed on tumors and kinetic parameters were normalized with respect to normal tissue. Statistical thresholds for goodness of the gamma variate fit, T2* recovery, and mean signal full‐width half‐minimum (FWHMin) were computed for our data sets with a 99% one‐sided confidence interval; these were 6.91%, 79.48%, and 23.35 seconds, respectively. Decreases inblood volume and flow measurements were observed in patients with documented clinical response. Malignant brain tumors have altered perfusion parameters that may be used to understand and monitor neovascularization. This permits non‐invasive assessment of the efficacy of angiogenesis inhibiting drugs. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2004;20:913–922.