ON THE basis of there being a possible virus etiology for the disease, aureomycin was used by the Robinsons in the treatment of 5 persons with dermatitis herpetiformis. The almost immediate beneficial response with the involution of lesions and relief from itching indicated that a preliminary report1 might be of value, stimulating others to verify these results. These patients have now been followed for a period of five months. In addition, 2 more persons with dermatitis herpetiformis as well as several patients with other dermatoses have been treated with this drug, and a more extensive report is offered. DOSE USED AND METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION Aureomycin is an antibiotic which has been fully described by Bryer and associates.2 It is dispensed in capsule form, 250 mg. per capsule, for oral treatment and in sterile rubber-stoppered bottles, 50 and 100 mg. per bottle, for intravenous administration. With each bottle