The Level Scheme of107Cd Studied through the107Ag (p,nγ) and106Cd (d, pγ) Reactions and the107In Decay

The excited levels of 107Cd have been investigated by studying the gamma-rays and internal conversion electrons from the 107Ag(p,n)107Cd and 106Cd(d,p)107Cd reactions and the 107In decay. Based on coincidence measurements, a completely revised 107Cd level scheme including 23 new levels has been constructed. Spins and parities for the levels were deduced from transition multipolarities, log ft-values and the relative excitation functions derived from the reaction measurements. A 1/2- isomeric state (T1/2 = 51.8±2.0 s) at 678.5 keV was identified in 107In.