Confirmation of dyslexia susceptibility loci on chromosomes 1p and 2p, but not 6p in a Dutch sib‐pair collection

In this study, we attempted to confirm genetic linkage to developmental dyslexia and reading-related quantitative traits of loci that have been shown to be associated with dyslexia in previous studies. In our sample of 108 Dutch nuclear families, the categorical trait showed strongest linkage to 1p36 (NPL-LOD = 2.1). LOD scores for quantitative traits word-reading, non-word reading, and rapid naming peaked near the same location as the categorical trait, as well as on chromosome 2. Non-word repetition showed little phenotypic correlation with dyslexia or with the other quantitative traits, and this trait showed linkage peaks on 11p and 15q. No evidence for linkage to 6p22-23 was found for this set of families. Comparison of our results and literature data shows that loci link to different phenotypes in different samples. The mutual connections of these traits and their relation to developmental dyslexia remain elusive.