Spectral‐spatial pulses (spsp pulses) selectively excite spins at spatial location z and spectral frequency (due to chemical shift and/or field inhomogeneity) υ. In this work we discuss the design of improved spsp pulses for fat signal suppression. Optimal pulses are designed as optimal constant ripple FIR filters using the inverse SLR transform. Spsp pulses with thin slices are obtained by modifying the phases between subpulses, thereby eliminating unwanted magnetization lobes. Robust spsp pulses at off‐center slices are obtained with a prescan calibration. These pulses are used either for selective fat saturation or for selective water excitation. It is shown that spsp pulses suppress fat signal better than conventional fat saturation pulses. Using the techniques presented in this article, we replaced all the fat saturation pulses on our systems with spsp pulses and obtained a significant improvement in image quality. Magn Reson Med 43:410–420, 2000.