Energy loss spectra of Li+ ions (0.5–1.0 keV) in collision with N2 molecules

Energy loss spectra of Li+ ions scattered by N2 molecules were obtained at incident energies from 0.5 to 1.0 keV and at scattering angles from 1° to 7°. Peaks due to vibro–rotational excitation, electronic excitation, and ionization of N2 were observed in the energy loss spectra. The gross feature of the vibro–rotational excitation as a function of incident energy and scattering angle can be interpreted by a classical impulse approximation. The electronic excitation of N2 provided two energy loss peaks corresponding to the a 1ΠgX 1Σg+ transition and the c1Σu+, c 1ΠuX 1Σg+ transitions, suggesting that the σg2p electron is most likely to be promoted. The vibro–rotational excitation in the electronic excitation and ionization is similar to that in the electronically elastic process. This suggests that the mechanism of vibro–rotational excitation is insensitive to the coupling of potential surfaces.