Concentrations in the blood of rabbits of 1,1′-trimethylene bis (4-formylpyridinium bromide) dioxime (TMB4), of 2-formyl-1-methylpyridinium chloride oxime (PAM Cl), and of 2-formyl-1-methylpyridinium methanesulphonate oxime (P2S) were measured at short intervals during the period immediately following intravenous or intramuscular injection. Dose for dose the concentration in the blood of TMB4 was found to be at least twofold higher than the concentration of either of the others. The rate of absorption from an intramuscular injection was the same for all three oximes, the peak concentration being reached in approximately 9 minutes.Other experiments, in which P2S was injected by the intrapulmonary route, showed no advantage in this species as regards speed of absorption over the intramuscular route.