Identification of the new isotopeBa114and search for its α and cluster radioactivity

Using the on-line mass separator at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Unilac we produced Ba114 through the Ni58 (58Ni,2n)114Ba reaction and measured its production cross section to be 0.200.09+0.13 μb. The new isotope Ba114 represents the heaviest N=Z+2 nucleus known to date. With ΔE-E telescopes we measured the total (β-decay) half-life to be Tβ=0.430.15+0.30 s and the partial α-decay half-life to be Tα≥1.2×102 s (1 MeV≤Eα≤4 MeV) for Ba114. With track detectors we found a half-life for spontaneous C12 emission TC≥1.1×103 s based on three carbon events.

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