SUMMARY: In each of the crops studied, weeding increased grain yield, weeding 2 weeks after sowing being better than weeding either four or eight weeks after sowing and weeding two and four weeks after sowing being better than weeding either two and eight weeks or four and eight weeks aftersowing. Weeding thrice (two, four and eight weeks after sowing) was significantly superior to all the other weeding treatments. Weeding increased leaf area index, dry weight of side and mainstem and number of mature pods at harvest in green gram and cowpeas. In sorghum, apart from increasing leaf area index, it also increased the length of ears and grain weight per unit lengthof ear. The weeding treatments affected grain yield in cowpeas and green gram due totheir influence on leaf area development, development of the main and side stems and on the number of mature pods produced at harvest. The effect of the weeding treatments on grain yield of sorghum was due to their influence on leaf area development, length of ear and grain weight perunit length of ear.