IN 1950 Harris and Kokernot1reported that sodium diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin Sodium) is effective in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in the experimental animal. Since then, several reports have been published which demonstrate the efficacy of diphenylhydantoin given intravenously in abolishing arrhythmias in dogs and humans.2-7 There have been no reported fatalities due to intravenous use of diphenylhydantoin in treating cardiac arrhythmias in humans. The purpose of this report is to present two cases of patients who died following intravenous administration of diphenylhydantoin. Report of Cases Case 1.— A 67-year-old white woman with a 30-year history of diabetes mellitus and a ten-year history of angina pectoris was admitted to the Mount Sinai Hospital on Feb 8, 1966, with an acute myocardial infarction (inferior wall) complicated by pulmonary edema. The pulmonary edema responded to treatment including administration of digitalis. Anticoagulants were also administered. The hospital course was then uncomplicated except