We study the Kohn-Luttinger effect in a two-dimensional (2D) nested fermion liquid with a repulsive interaction via the renormalization group method and identify the resulting order parameter symmetry. Using the band structure of the 2D Hubbard model close to half-filling as a prototype, we construct an effective low-energy theory. We use multidimensional bosonization to incorporate the zero-sound channel and find marginal Fermi liquid behavior in the absence of any instability. We show an analog of the Landau theorem in nested fermion liquids, which serves as the criterion of the BCS instability. Including repulsive or antiferromagnetic exchange interactions in the low-energy theory, we show that the dx2y2-wave BCS channel is renormalized to be the most attractive. Below half-filling, when the nesting is not perfect, there is competition between the spin-density-wave (SDW) and the BCS channels; when the SDW coupling is small enough, there occurs a dx2y2-wave superconducting instability at sufficiently low temperatures.